Print double sided mac word not an option
Print double sided mac word not an option

print double sided mac word not an option

When you’ve made your Use menu selection click the Add button in the bottom right.

If you’ve downloaded a driver separately and have it on your Mac, select Other and navigate to the file in question. If you’d like to download the proper driver for your printer click Select Software in the Use dropdown. AirPrint will be an option if your printer supports it-it’s software from Apple that lets you use a printer wirelessly without downloading a driver. Once you’ve clicked on your printer’s name, choose an option from the Use dropdown menu. Your printer should print whatever you’re printing on both sides of the paper! Click to enable that box and hit the Print button. Once you’re in the Print menu, most of the time you’re looking for a checkbox that’s labeled Two-Sided. Otherwise you can click on File > Print in most applications. You can generally access the Print menu by hitting the Cmd + P keys on your Mac’s keyboard. Therefore the location where you turn on double-sided printing is different depending on the Print menu layout you’re looking at. This is because the Print menu looks a little different in different applications. What matters is the application you’re printing from. The actual content of what you’re printing doesn’t matter. What you print could be a Word or Pages document or it could be a recipe or article from your internet browser. To print double-sided (also known as duplex printing) you need a great printer that works with your Mac and something to print. We’re here to help with that, and save a few of our leafy friends along the way. It’s pretty easy to print double-sided on a Mac if you know where to look. But you can at least save more of them by printing on both sides of the page. A few trees have to be sacrificed for that. Or you might just prefer to read something on a piece of paper. Sometimes printing can’t be avoided, though. This is great for the environment, as not printing out documents definitely saves trees. We’re living in an increasingly paperless world.

Print double sided mac word not an option